Is it time to drop your baggage?
I once had a profound dream: I went to pick myself up at the airport. As passengers deplaned, I sensed myself pass by, but I didn’t see me anywhere. I continued waiting.
After everyone dispersed, I looked around and locked eyes with myself across the terminal. I had indeed passed by, but I didn’t recognize myself because I wasn’t carrying any baggage.
Everything feels all wrong, but it is all right.
You’ve been white knuckling the status quo for a long time, carrying excess baggage. You can keep trudging along accumulating more… or not. There isn’t a wrong answer.
If you are waiting for the right time, I trust you will know. You will have a feeling either way – reaching for help is uncomfortable. Staying quiet is excruciating. Which feeling is more bearable right now?
Keep in mind, nothing changes if nothing changes…
You are only one decision away from a completely different life.
Call me at 530.208.9424.
We’ll schedule that free consultation.
3053 Harrison Avenue, Suite #205 South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150